August 7 @ 5:30PM
(Kids category will get a 10ft x 10ft square plot and will be allowed to build for one hour, after which their sculpture will be judged and the winning prize awarded. If parents wish to direct children’s activities, please enter the Family Team category.)
Cheques payable to Rotary Clubs of Penticton Charitable Society
Registration begins at 4PM, teams must be registered to participate. Kids sculpture time is 5:30-6:30 p.m. and all other teams sculpture time is 5:30-7:30 p.m. Judging takes place at 7:30 p.m.
Sculptures are judged on:
All materials included in the final sculpture must be environmentally friendly materials (pebbles, pinecones)
Forms and plastic materials used making the sculpture must be removed prior to final judging
Decisions of the judges are final.
The 2024 Sandcastle competition sponsored by Greyback Construction, and Skaha Hills in conjunction with PeachFest, is great fun to watch and even more fun to participate in.
Skaha Beach near the sundial.